Thursday, January 30, 2025

Martin Luther King Jr. Reflection Walk

The fifth grade class at Christ Church Day School has created a Martin Luther King Jr. Reflection Walk. The students have identified their favorite quotes from Dr. King and have turned them into beautiful posters which have been hung on the fence outside of campus. During next week’s Spiritual Nurture class, each grade will participate in a reflection walk with chaplain Charlette, after which they will create their own “Dreams for our Country.” They will then bring their art home to share with their families.

We would like to invite the Coronado community to take some time this weekend to participate in the reflection walk. If you do, please take a picture of your family and tag Christ Church Day School on Social Media (Facebook CCDSdolphins, Instagram ccdsdolphins). Please include a word or phrase that highlights your experience. We would love to share with our students, how their work has impacted the community.

We respectfully ask that all Covid-19 safety protocols are respected while on the Reflection Walk.



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