Thursday, February 13, 2025

Host a Hero – Help a Coronado Restaurant

Due to COVID, the Old Goats and Kids Who Care have modified their annual salute to the wounded warriors for 2020 to include other heroes and at the same time benefit local restaurants and employees.

Image: Old Goats and Kids Who Care Facebook page

Wounded warriors, first responders, health care workers, and families will be invited to dinner at a Coronado restaurant (currently for take-out or delivery only). Instead of a gift certificate, each honoree will be individually contacted by the restaurant to personalize the experience. Each meal will include a 25% tip for the restaurant employee, so those employees can be helped in a small way.

Instead of a reception as in past years, the Old Goats asks the community to join them in hosting a wounded warrior or other deserving recipient (first responders, health care workers, young military families in need) at one of their participating Coronado restaurants during this holiday season. Restaurants, so far, include Bistro d’Asia, Blue Bridge Hospitality Group restaurants, Brigantine, Island Pasta, Costa Azul, and Miguel’s. The funds that would have been used for a reception have been redirected and the Old Goats and Kids Who Care are hoping to expand this program and continue it for as long as the COVID restrictions hurt our restaurants and their employees.

food delivery - Photo by Norma Mortenson from PexelsIf you are interested in being a sponsor host for this program, email your name, email address and telephone number to [email protected] and include the monetary amount for the dinner ($80 to $120 is suggested). You will then be matched with a wounded warrior, and both your name and theirs will be given to a participating restaurant. The restaurant will contact the wounded warrior directly and coordinate take-out or delivery of a meal. You as the host will then be contacted by the restaurant for payment including tax and a 25% tip. Your contact info will be provided to your wounded warrior recipient unless you note to remain anonymous. Kids Who Care will be including cards on your behalf to further personalize the experience (please advise if you want to remain anonymous).

In recap:

  1. Guest recipients. Old Goats will maintain a list of wounded warriors, and other deserving people/families. The public may submit names to be considered for the list.
  2. Sponsor Hosts. The Old Goats will host the first recipients but hopes others will pledge to host by emailing contact info.
  3. Restaurants. Starting with Coronado restaurants who have supported Old Goats’ programs for the past 12 years (as a way of thanking them), and should the restaurant program prove successful, others can be added.
  4. Procedure. Old Goats will provide guest recipient and sponsor host contact info to a participating restaurant. The restaurant will take it from there to plan for take-out or delivery for the guest, and payment from the host.

The program is intended to be simple without the need for donations or checks. Simply sign up and then pay the restaurant tab (including tax and 25% tip) for the guest recipient. All transactions directly between host and restaurant (no middleman).

For more information, open this PDF: Host a Hero Flyer (image below)

12/10/2020 – Article was updated with additional details

Managing Editor
Managing Editor
Originally from upstate New York, Dani Schwartz has lived in Coronado since 1996. She is happy to call Coronado home and to have raised her children here. In her free time she enjoys reading, exercising, trying new restaurants, and just walking her dog around the "island." Have news to share? Send tips or story ideas to: [email protected]

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