Submitted by Girl Scout Troop 5548
THANK YOU CORONADO for your generosity donating to the Monarch Halloween Drive! We delivered 300 goodie bags to the Monarch School this year!! Thank you so much to everyone who donated, both Venmo cash and physical items. We raised $720 through Venmo! $457.55 was spent to buy items for the goodie bags, and we sent the extra $262.45 as a check to the Monarch School to supplement their immediate needs. The school sent us a thank you note, which is included below.
Thanks again!
Coronado Girl Scout Troop 5548
Thank you note from the Monarch School:
Our distribution this week went well, and the goodie bags were a hit! Each month we host an on-campus resource distribution for Monarch families to come pick up school supplies, grocery gift cards, basic need items like hygiene products, lunch, and more. This month, distribution was a little more fun because of your goodie bags! We had a special Halloween table set up with the bags, and every family was able to take home goodies for all of their children (and sometimes even parents!).
THANK YOU for bringing a little bit of joy and celebration to an otherwise serious space, and for providing goodies for our students! I’ve attached a few pictures of our kiddos enjoying picking up the treats.
Sarah Krueger
Monarch School