Chartered by the Coronado Optimist Club in fall of 1970, Coronado’s Cub Scout Pack 122 is excited to kick off its fiftieth year. The pack’s volunteer leadership team is headed by new Cubmaster Brendan Farley, who will be backed up by outgoing Cubmaster Erin Brown. While the pandemic threw a wrench into things, the pack remains active and is planning on making even virtual Scouting activities lots of fun. Every regularly scheduled event will take place, even if the planning has to be more creative.
Pack 122 is proud to have been a pioneer in the San Diego-Imperial Council, among the first to offer the Lion program, for kindergartners, and family Scouting, allowing both boys and girls to begin the path toward Eagle Scout. It offers a full program for all youth, from kindergarten through the fifth grade.
Families who are interested in learning more about Cub Scouting in Coronado can join Pack 122 for a virtual “Round-Up” information night on Wednesday, September 2, at 6:30pm. You can register online at https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_jB1QVwSyTR2xlt2XIFscRA