Saturday, March 1, 2025

Vandemic Adventure: Getting Ready, Finalizing Details

Since writing my first article for The Coronado Times I’ve been kitting out my 20 year old Eurovan, planning a route for my first trip and working on the questions I’ll ask to those I interview. I’ve also taken the van on several small trips up to Big Bear Lake which have helped me see what I do and don’t need to bring with me.

When I first brought the van back to Coronado, I created a list of everything I would need to purchase in order to make this trip happen. This included everything from a coffee maker to a solar shower and cookware for the kitchen. After going on those first couple of trips to Big Bear I realized I would need a few more items. First of all, bug spray turned out to be a necessity, as mosquitoes and bees really seem to like flying into the van when the doors are open. I also added a tool kit, a first aid kit and bought a roll of duct tape. The duct tape has turned out to be especially useful for making quick repairs.

After figuring out what I would need for the trip, I started hammering down the questions that I will be asking those I meet along the way. I wanted the questions to be general enough so that everyone would be able to understand and relate to them, while still being specific enough to delve into how the pandemic has affected their lives. These are the five questions I will be asking those I interview:

1. How has the pandemic made you revise your priorities?

2. How has it made you a better person?

3. Are there any ways this crisis has brought you closer to those you care about?

4. What did you take for granted before the pandemic that now means a lot more to you?

5. How do you think this has changed our future?

On Monday, I’ll be taking my labradoodle Bhumi up to Lake Tahoe for a week and a half. I’ll write about our adventures and share photos and videos on my blog and Instagram page.

Next stop: Lake Tahoe!

If you missed the intro to Morgan’s Vandemic Adventure….

Vandemic Adventure: Hitting the Road to Explore a New World

Morgan Willis
Morgan Willis
Morgan grew up in Coronado and attended Coronado High School. He recently graduated college at Arizona State University with a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication. He is now traveling around the country in a Eurovan, sharing stories from the road.

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