- Two scam prevention public meetings coming up Feb. 21 and March 14
- Staff and geotech engineering investigated a road depression at 8th and Coronado Ave where a void developed underground; a temp fix of sand slurry mix was performed and a permanent fix is being developed
- Mostly minor damage from storm on Feb. 13 and 14
- CPD issued a search warrant in San Diego and made an arrest regarding mail theft and identity theft
- Saturday Feb. 23 kicks off five weeks of the Coronado Community Read with a Hometown Jamboree highlighting era and activities from The Practice House
- Pothole repairs were made at Third near C Ave
- “All Things Seuss” exhibits open at the library and at the C3 Gallery
- Transbay Pump Station rehab project update
Each week, the City Manager’s Office provides an update that includes information on programs, services and issues within the City, as well as news, project updates and follow-up information when necessary.
Get up to speed on what’s going on in Coronado with this video preview of the latest edition of the Coronado City Manager’s Weekly Update, as well as a sampling of the updates below. Read the full update on the City’s website.
Storm Report: While the rain was heavy at times and the winds strong, relatively minor damage and flooding resulted from a large storm that hit San Diego County beginning on Wednesday, February 13. The worst of the rainfall was felt on Thursday, February 14. The City monitored areas that tend to flood, and crews were prepared to close them if needed. The City provides sand bags to residents at four locations in town: First and Alameda Boulevard, Fourth Street and Alameda, North Beach and the Cays near the Fire Station.
Pothole Repairs on State Route: Public Services’ Streets Division worked this week to make repairs to major potholes at Third Street near C Avenue. This is a California Department of Transportation right of way that the City has the ability to repair as needed. The Caltrans roadway is especially susceptible to potholes after heavy rains due to infrequent preventative maintenance. The City has a 7-year preventative maintenance plan, whereby every roadway in town receives at least a slurry seal every 7 years.
Subsurface Roadway Repairs Underway: On Tuesday, staff and the City’s geotechnical engineering consultant investigated a depression adjacent to a storm drain manhole at the intersection of Eighth Street and Coronado Avenue. It was found that a 12-by-13-foot void had developed underneath the pavement that is approximately four feet deep. City crews completed a temporary fix on Wednesday, February 13, by pumping a sand slurry mix into the void. It is expected that the intersection will be reopened on Tuesday, February 19, once the sand slurry sets. A permanent fix is being developed and will be implemented as soon as possible.

See the complete City Manager’s Weekly Update, visit the city’s website.