Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Convention of States – September 20


Using the Article V Amendments process to rein in the federal government, preserve liberty and self-governance for future generations.

Every American taxpayer owes more than $175,785—each taxpayer’s share of the over $21 trillion national debt, and the U.S. government continues borrowing money, with the cost to be passed on to future generations and no fiscal responsibility in sight.

The “deep state” consists of 2.8 Million unelected bureaucrats, possess all three powers of the Congress (regulations), the Federal Courts (administrative) and the Presidency (enforcement). The bureaucracy’s massive size is powerful, unmanageable and fighting back against limits.

We have two U.S. Senators in office more than 40 years and 6 more than 30 years. In the U.S. House of Representatives, there are three members in office more than 40 years, four more with 30 years, and 46 representatives in office more than 24 years. More than 80% of Americans from all political party’s support term limits for federal officials.

Learn in an A/Political and Non-Partisan free presentation, how and why, The Founders provided a solution in Article V of the US Constitution, a peaceful, legal and constitutional way for citizens and the states to restore their power and self-governance.

WHO: Lou Oberman, Convention of States Project, Volunteer District Captain, California Leadership Member & Marine Corps Veteran       

WHAT: Public Presentation, Discussion and Opportunity For Q & A.

WHEN: Thursday, September 20th, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

WHERE: CORONADO PUBLIC LIBRARY, Winn Room, at 640 Orange Avenue.

The public is invited to become informed and educated about how Article V empowers the people, and the states, to propose constitutional amendments which will return sovereignty to California and the other 49 states, and restore our Liberty and Freedom.

About the Convention of States Project
The Convention of States Project is currently organized in all 50 states, including more than three and a half million volunteers, supporters and advocates committed to stopping the Federal Government’s abuse of power. 12 States: Alaska, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Indiana, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Louisiana, Arizona, North Dakota, Texas and Missouri have passed identical Article V Resolutions since the Project’s founding in 2013. Virginia hosted the first-ever Simulated Article V Convention of States in the fall of 2016. For more information, visit www.ConventionofStates.com.
More Information – Contact:  Lou Oberman Phone: 858-427-1640 or [email protected]

PS – Link to a two minute video of COS Adviser Tom Coburn on Mark Levin Show 8-26-2018

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Managing Editor
Managing Editor
Originally from upstate New York, Dani Schwartz has lived in Coronado since 1996. She is happy to call Coronado home and to have raised her children here. In her free time she enjoys reading, exercising, trying new restaurants, and just walking her dog around the "island." Have news to share? Send tips or story ideas to: [email protected]

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