Sunday, March 16, 2025

USPS to Provide “92118 Station” Pictorial Cancellation to Celebrate 92118 Day

For the first and only time this century, Coronado’s ZIP Code 92118 will match the date on Friday, September 21, 2018.  This occasion is known in U.S. Postal Service circles as “Date Meets ZIP” and offers residents an opportunity to get a card or letter stamped with matching numbers.

The Coronado Post Office, located at 1320 Ynez Place, will offer a special postmark to commemorate this event for a few days after this event for those who did not have the chance to participate in the 92118 Day celebration on September 21.  Residents and businesses are invited to bring their own postcards, letters or purchase items from the Coronado Post Office and have it stamped with the commemorative postmark to mark the occasion. The postmark will be available for 30 days after the event at the MLS Main Post Office located at 11251 Rancho Carmel Drive, San Diego, CA 92199.

The USPS is honored to serve the residents of Coronado and the proud members of this community.  Residents are invited  to stop by the USPS booth #52 at the 92118 Day event and join us in celebrating this unique event in Coronado.

As a community service, the Postal Service offers pictorial cancellations to commemorate local events celebrated in communities throughout the nation.  People attending these local events may obtain the cancellation in person at the temporary post office station established there. Those who cannot attend the event, but who wish to obtain the cancellation, may submit a mail order request. Pictorial cancellations are available only for the dates indicated, and requests must be postmarked no later than 30 days following the requested pictorial cancellation date.

All requests must include a stamped envelope or postcard bearing at least the minimum First-Class Mail postage.

Coronado Times Staff
Coronado Times Staff
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