When staff arrived at the Coronado Animal Control Facility this past Monday morning, they found two boxes outside the front door. The top box was empty with a hole that had obviously been created when one, or more, animals frantically clawed their way out. The bottom box contained a very stressed nursing momma cat and two kittens.
The staff does not know how many, or what exactly, had been in the top box and these animals have yet to be found. Because the boxes were left during the night, there is no way to know how long these animals suffered while taped up in boxes and left in unfamiliar surroundings.
Please don’t endanger your pets in this way, there are much better options. The ACF is open from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm seven days a week. If you need to relinquish your pets, for whatever reason, please call 619-523-7371. They are there to help you and the animals.
Needless to say, this has caused staff and volunteers true heartache…
PAWS of Coronado and the Animal Care Facility information