Thursday, January 9, 2025

Outdoor Adventure Classes Offered At the Rec

play in your day

Coronado Recreation is offering after school classes for 3rd – 5th graders to explore the outdoors throughout San Diego with their Outdoor Bound class. Each week the class goes on a new adventure which ranges from rock climbing, pier fishing, hiking, scavenger hunts, exploring canyons and kayaking. The six week class concludes with a bonfire on the beach and s’mores. The adventures are on Tuesdays beginning February 13th. On Thursdays is the Indoor Bound class where participants can try bowling, roller skating, dodgeball, trampoline parks and laser tag.

If you are interested in these classes, beginning January 17th Coronado Residents can register online at and everyone can register by phone (522-7342) or in person at the Coronado Community Center (1845 Strand Way) or on-line starting January 24th

Keep up to date on recreation programs by LIKING our facebook page at City of Coronado Recreation Services or go to Instagram at Recreate_Coronado and make sure to PUT SOME PLAY IN YOUR DAY!

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