Submitted by Ben Hallowell
Strand AM traffic back-up into Coronado – It’s not all CALTRANS and the traffic lights – it’s primarily the way the naval base manages reporting times and working hours on Mondays-Thursdays (light traffic on Fridays).
After one month of creeping towards Coronado on the Strand every morning (except Friday when the traffic mysteriously flows freely) and watching Naval Base Coronado leadership ignore the problem (latest excuse is CO is on travel – thought one of his primary responsibilities was to deal with issues mutually impacting the naval base and our community) – and knowing from my 50 years on both sides of that gate that the immediate resolution will be to establish community hotlines and refer to committees with no real action being taken, I submitted the following letter to Senators Feinstein and Boxer. Maybe, just maybe, they or someone at our local Coronado level will decide to find the answer to the key question, “Why light Strand traffic to Coronado on Fridays only?” Once that question is answered, a solution to the Strand traffic problem would seem fairly easy and straightforward.
My letter to the United States senators from California:
Extreme AM traffic delays now choking 9 mile Hwy 75 Strand heading into Coronado
Problem easily corrected should the Senator get involved because it has been documented (for 2 months by concerned citizens) that the Strand traffic is only backed up on Monday-Thursday. Flows freely on Friday. What is the only variable? On Fridays, many of the naval base activities have different hours or flex time thus reducing the glut of traffic between 6:30 and 9:00 AM. If the naval base commander could be persuaded to make some of the same Friday modifications on Monday-Thursday, if only on a test or trial basis for 2 or 3 weeks, we would soon know if the problem might be that easily resolved. The naval base and city of Coronado could then implement more permanent changes perhaps also involving CALTRANS and upgrading traffic lights. As of today, the main cause seems patently obvious and simple – the apparent refusal of CO naval base to first recognize the problem and then work with the community to correct a solvable mutual major problem.
Jeopardizing national security to the extent that key personnel must spend 45 minutes in bumper to bumper traffic to reach the naval base.
Coronado City government has attempted to engage the naval base in working towards a solution through individual and committee meetings, but are effectively being “stonewalled.”
The Senator could use her good offices to gain the attention of appropriate DOD offices – any cursory review would substantiate the problem exists and has a definite connection to the working hours of naval base activities.
Ben Hallowell