Over the past several years, traffic has continued to increase on the roadway going into Coronado. Monday through Thursday, between the hours of 6:00 AM and 8:00 AM, the Strand turns into a parking lot.
“The traffic backs up five miles,” says Case. “From what I understand from other Cays residents, the traffic has been getting worse, steadily, over time, culminating in the 45 minute commute we have, right now, which is pretty outrageous.”
“What my wife says she didn’t sign up for is a 45 minute commute from the Cays into town to take the kids to school, which is essentially the worst commute in the nation right now.”
After watching his family and friends suffer through hours, collectively, of stand-still traffic, Case has decided to resume his ‘captain-like’ duties and take control of the ship issue.

“I only started last week to press this issue. When I brought it up to our city council and Mayor Tanaka, their initial response was surprising to me. Their response was sort of boiler plate political speak that ‘there is more traffic around the nation’ and ‘we are doing what we can, please be patient over the next several years as we try to solve this problem.’ That’s when I realized what we have here are several public agencies and organizations involved in this issue. Including the City of Coronado, Caltrans, CCHOA, and the Navy.”
Over the course of several meetings, these organizations will reach an agreement on what the problems are in regard to traffic, and what the solution must be. However, the solution could take days, weeks, months, or even years to implement.
“What I thought we needed was someone outside of that system to come in and force this issue and, as Captain of the Cays, that’s what I am trying to do.”
Within the past few days Case has generated a lot of attention on the Silver Strand stand-still traffic using social media, primarily the Coronado Cays Happening’s Facebook page to vocalize his concerns and urge the community to ‘rise up.’ He started an online petition urging Caltrans to extend the length of time at Tarawa Road favoring northbound traffic, extend the length of time at Rendova Road favoring northbound traffic, and synchronize the Tarawa and Rendova Road traffic signals to insure all northbound traffic, which successfully traverses the signal at Tarawa Road, will also successfully traverse Rendova Road.
Caltrans representatives initially responded to callers by saying, they were “unaware of traffic issues on California State Route 75.” Even though locals have been calling on the organization to resolve the congestion issue for years, Case says nothing has been done.
“This is a public safety and welfare situation that requires immediate action,” says Case.
Meetings have been held this week to discuss the pressing issue of Silver Strand traffic and, this morning, City officials and Caltrans representatives monitored the NAB traffic lights, so adjustments can be made.
Additionally, Caltrans has agreed to provide a cost data analysis and timelines for new ‘adaptive signals’ for the traffic lights in question. “This is the ‘long term solution’ that we have been looking for,” says Case.
As for the short term solution, CalTrans also approved the City of Coronado to station CPD officers at the relevant lights during rush hours to direct traffic. “The ball is now in the city of Coronado’s court to implement this short term solution,” says Case.
“You can bet I will be monitoring this situation and continuing my efforts to draw awareness to this issue. Our efforts to draw awareness to this issue have definitely resulted in some action from the City Council, which resulted in the meeting with Caltrans today and what, we hope, will be some short term and long term relief to this traffic. We are achieving some success!”
If you are interested in contacting Caltrans, please use the contact information below:
Caltrans District 11
Address: 4050 Taylor Street, San Diego, CA 92110
Telephone Number: (619) 688-6699
E-mail:Â [email protected]
Sign or learn more about the petition:  https://www.change.org/p/department-of-silver-strand-in-coronado-is-now-the-worst-commute-in-the-nation-caltrans-please-fix?recruiter=270588551