Brussels in December of 2015 (Photo courtesy of Coree Cornelius)
Humans of Coronado is a photo series where we “bump” into residents and visitors around the island, completely unplanned and unfiltered. It was inspired by Humans of New York. Next time you are out and about around town, you may just find yourself part of the next HoC series!
This segment of Humans of Coronado concerns the recent terrorist attacks in Brussels, Belgium. On Tuesday, March 22, 2016 explosions rocked the capital of Belgium in two separate locations, including Brussels Airport and at the Maalbeek metro station. Terror group ISIS has claimed responsibility for the suicide bombers’ coordinated attacks, and there is evidence to suggest that ISIS has plans for more European attacks. The U.S. Department of State has issued a Europe travel alert, which doesn’t expire until June 20, 2016.
Passport stamp of entry to Brussels, Belgium (Photo courtesy of Coree Cornelius)
These Humans of Coronado, who all happened to be ladies, were given the following scenario:
Suppose you won an all-expenses paid trip to Europe, requiring you to leave tomorrow. Assuming that work conflicts, childcare, school schedules for your children, and any other factors that may prevent you from accepting this prize are not an issue, would you accept the prize and embark on a European vacation tomorrow?
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“Yes, I would go. An all-expense paid trip I wouldn’t want to pass up. Even in light of the recent attack, you’re mourning that, but I don’t think they follow suit one after the other. I think we’re probably safe for a while. Maybe that’s just me being an optimist. Who knows? You can’t live your life in a bubble. It could happen here in San Diego.”
“No, I’d be scared to go just because of the recent activities, but also because I just think the security [in Europe] isn’t the same. On the other hand though, you can’t be afraid of everything because that’s what they [the terrorists] want, and we need to teach our children that.”
“Yes, I would go. I would go because you can’t be afraid of everything. You can’t live like that, living in the shadow of the terrorists.”
“Heck, yes! Travel enhances my life. It’s given me a world of perspective and opportunities, and it’s an escape from everyday routines and ruts. Especially now, when events, good and bad, are happening in Europe, it would be invaluable to experience those places like Brussels right now. Beyond the philosophical stuff, I’d also love a chance to view the major cathedrals of Europe, or maybe visit Eastern Europe or Scandinavia. Any road, be it well traveled or not, is worth taking when it leads to a new location with new experiences.”
“I would NOT accept a trip to Europe right now. The risk of an ISIS attack is too high, and I have too much to lose: my daughter, family, friends. If the respected governments are unable to secure the safety of its own citizens, why would my safety be certain? The idea of traveling to such a high-risk terror zone makes me feel vulnerable, especially as an American. There’s still so much in America that I haven’t seen yet that I’d rather travel here or to the Caribbean or Canada first.”
“Yes, I would totally go. While there are always evil people in the world, you have to continue to do what you would normally do, not that I always win free trips to Europe. You have to be able to continue doing what is normal. Yeah, it’d be a little scary, but you’ve got to do it, or terrorists win really. I think it’s very important to continue traveling.”
Resident, Educator, Military Spouse, and Mother."I haven't been everywhere, but it's on my list." - Susan Sontag.Have news to share? Send tips, story ideas or letters to the editor to: [email protected]