Chances for Children’s Christmas Toy Drive Starts Dec. 7th
Celebrating its 20th year of serving children, Chances for Children (CFC) will be conducting its annual Christmas Toy Drive from Dec. 7th through the holidays to benefit homeless families from Father Joe’s Villages, where some 200 children are under twelve years of age. Oscar Labiano, Father Joe’s Director of Business Operations, states that CFC’s Toy Drive, “helps support the children of our Village and helps brighten up their holidays with the gifts that are donated.” Your donations of new, unwrapped gifts, games, and toys will be distributed to the families at Father Joe’s.

Photo: Lamarshell Karnas
The Christmas Toy Drive drop box is located in the front office of the Coronado Fire station (6th Avenue and D Street). The front office hours are Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. The donations are picked up daily and delivered to Father Joe’s by a group of dedicated volunteers who have supported this wonderful event for 20 years.
For information about membership, please contact MaryLee Goyan at (619) 435-2828.