Each week, the City of Coronado City Manager’s Office provides an update that includes information on programs, services and issues within the City, as well as news, project updates and follow-up information when applicable. Featured below are highlights from that update. The entire City Manager’s Weekly Update can be found on the City’s website.
Private Beach Concert
An evening concert was held on the Hotel del Coronado’s private beach on Wednesday, April 29. While the event was private, thousands of people attended the event. The City worked with the hotel to stage the event on private property in such a way as to minimize noise and light, with the stage facing the ocean, which resulted in the public having a clear view of the event from the public beach. The Hotel del Coronado adhered to City codes related to noise, curfews, and loading and maintaining the walkway. The crowd, many locals who rode their bikes, appeared to enjoy the evening. The question of how the hotel owns part of the beach came up in recent days due to the concert. It’s an interesting topic that goes back to the City’s early days, and even a couple of years before that. The City created this Q&A last year about the private/public beach boundary to answer that question and others.
Lifeguards Help After Sea Lion Rescue
Coronado Lifeguards Ian Urtnowski (left, below) and Robert Phelps (right, below) participated this week in releasing a sea lion, and other rescued sea lions, back into the ocean. The two were on duty when they discovered a juvenile sea lion hiding in the rock jetty that looked emaciated and lethargic. They notified Sea World and a rescue truck was dispatched to pick the animal up. They assisted in the rescue and were contacted by Sea World with an offer to participate in releasing the animal back into the ocean. On Monday, April 27, Urtnowski and Phelps joined Sea World staff in the release of the fully rehabilitated sea lions.
Arbor Day Planting
Coronado had a great turnout for its Arbor Day activities on Saturday, April 25. Despite some showers overnight and some gloomy weather in the morning, about 70 volunteers participated in the tree planting at Spreckels Park. Aside from local adult and student volunteers, participants also included members of the Girl Scouts, the Navy and school groups from neighboring cities. The volunteers planted nearly 40 trees at 30 different areas throughout the City. The City and its Public Services crews thank all who participated.
New Sidewalk Bike Racks/ Redesigned Bike Corrals
The City has begun the installation of the new sidewalk bicycle parking racks in Coronado’s business districts. This is the result of a successful pilot project conducted during summer 2014 that tested the effectiveness of adding sidewalk bicycle parking along a three-block test area of Orange Avenue. The pilot project found that the additional sidewalk bicycle racks helped reduce sidewalk clutter and decreased the percentage of bikes locked to street trees, benches, and other things not designed for bicycle parking. Use of the tested rack styles — a green “mini-bike” shaped rack and a green bicycle “dock” that helps prevent bikes from falling over increased over time and will be installed in the remaining portions of Coronado’s business districts through May 22. Notification letters were sent to affected businesses in both March and April. In addition, the City’s seven bicycle corrals are being redesigned, per City Council direction, to make them more aesthetically attractive. The design was developed through a collaborative process. The new bike corrals should be complete by May 9. If you have any questions about these efforts please contact the Public Services and Engineering Department at (619) 522-7383.
Recycle Scavenging:
The City Council will consider an ordinance at its May 5 and May 19 meetings to address the issue of illicit scavenging from residential, public and commercial trash and recycle bins and from City streets and alleys. Residents have complained that people scavenge bins and take valuable recyclable items or that they take items not meant to be given away. The “anti-scavenging” section of the City’s Solid Waste Code was intended to prevent this as Coronado uses the funds it receives for the materials to help cover the costs of the curbside recycling program. The Solid Waste Code, however, does not expressly prohibit people from searching or removing materials from trash containers, and there is no penalty for doing so. The new ordinance proposes issuing a ticket to people caught searching through recycling or trash carts or otherwise “meddling” with the carts. The ordinance will be introduced on May 5and will have a second reading on May 19.
Enhanced Beach Area Sweeping Map
In an effort to keep the City’s streets clean during the busy spring and summer seasons, Public Services is introducing an enhanced weekly beach area sweeping that will occur early Monday morning. This is in addition to the Wednesday street sweeping schedule of the same area. The warm weather brings many visitors to Coronado with the beach being a popular draw. With limited beach-area parking, many people visiting the beach over the weekend use the residential areas off Ocean Boulevard. By Monday, the side streets see a higher than normal amount of trash and debris. The highlighted map below shows the streets which will gain an additional day of sweeping during high impact months. The street sweeper is most effective when cars are moved beforehand and the sweeper can maintain continuous curb sweeping. The City appreciates the community’s help in moving their vehicles before the scheduled sweeping occurs.
Upcoming Meetings
The Bicycle Advisory Committee meets at 3 p.m. on Monday, May 4, at City Hall, 1825 Strand Way.
The City Council meets at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, May 5, at City Hall.
The Historic Resource Commission meets at 3 p.m. on Wednesday, May 6, at City Hall.
Coronado Tourism Improvement District meeting will be held at 2 p.m. on Thursday, May 7, at City Hall.
Cultural Arts Commission meets at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 7, at City Hall.
The Parks and Recreation Commission meets at 3:30 p.m. on Monday, May 11, at City Hall.
The Planning Commission meeting meets at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, May 12, at City Hall.
The Design Review Commission meeting is set for 3 p.m. on Wednesday, May 13, at City Hall.
The Coronado Transportation Commission meets at 3 p.m. on Thursday, May 14, at City Hall.
The RSIP-3 group meets at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 14, at City Hall.
The Civil Service Commission meets at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 14, at City Hall.
Naval Complexes Coordinating Group meets at 3 p.m. on Monday, May 18, at City Hall.
The City Council meets at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, May 19, at City Hall.
The Historic Resource Commission meets at 3 p.m. on Wednesday, May 20, at City Hall.
The Planning Commission meeting meets at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, May 26, at City Hall.
The Design Review Commission meeting is set for 3 p.m. on Wednesday, May 27, at City Hall.
The Traffic Operations Committee meets at 2 p.m. on Thursday, May 28, at City Hall.
The Golf Course Advisory Committee meets at 3 p.m. on Thursday, May 28, at the Golf Course, 2000 Visalia Row.