Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Coronado Living: 10 Reasons I Love the Coronado Library


When my family and I arrived in Coronado last August, I made a beeline for the Coronado Library. I had good reason: we had just moved from a small military base in Sicily, Italy, with a very modest library with limited resources. A self-confessed library nerd, I had read about the Coronado Library and searched its online catalog multiple times before arriving on the island. I couldn’t wait to see it in person.

I still remember the moment I walked through the glass doors for the first time, taking in the orchids on the desk, the mural on the wall, the Wizard of Oz paintings into the children’s section, the wall of movies, and the shelves and shelves of hot-off-the-press books.

Since that first visit, my husband, children (ages two and four), and I have visited the Coronado Library at least once a week, and sometimes once a day. We constantly find new reasons to love that sacred space at 640 Orange Avenue. Here are a few of my favorite things:

1. Story Hour at the library. What wonderful way for books to come alive for children, and to teach them early that libraries are a friendly and inviting place! The combination of music and stories capture my children’s attention and imagination so well. Story Hour is offered every Tuesday and Friday at 10:10am (toddlers) and 10:45am (preschoolers).

2. The artwork. There are fascinating stories behind each piece of art in the library, especially the large mural over the front desk and the Wizard of Oz painting into the children’s section. I am researching an article about the library’s artwork for that will be published in just a couple of weeks, so check back here soon for the full story.

3. The computers. My reliable laptop quit during a routine update this week, and I desperately needed access to the internet. I hopped on my bike and was sitting in front of a working computer within 10 minutes. I wasn’t the only one; a dozen other people worked beside me, ranging in age from four to 84.

4. The children’s programs. As I worked at a computer in the library, the children’s section began to fill up with school kids and parents. I realized I rarely visit the library after 12pm, but it becomes a different place in the afternoon with the influx of eager children, teens, and parents in search of a safe, peaceful place to work, study, and socialize. There’s no better place in Coronado.

5. The concerts. A few months ago, my family and I attended an evening concert held in the Winn Room of the library. The Brazilian music and animated performers captured even our young children’s attention, and we felt lucky that we could walk to a free, live concert just a few blocks from our house. View upcoming library concerts and events here.

6. The Friends of the Library. Some folks love the library so much that they started an organization just to help it become even better! The Friends of the Library run the Second Hand Prose bookshop as well as the Children’s Summer Reading Program and yearly children’s activities, the Library’s Summer Festival of cultural programs, Library Exhibits, concerts, computer database subscriptions, music CD collections, audio-book collections, new books, and more.

7. The librarians. If you’ve visited the library recently, I am sure you can picture one of the faces who make it so welcoming and easy to use. I love the children’s librarians especially. When I have come looking for children’s books, they help me find them and even offer to gather the books for me while I enjoy reading with my children. At the front desk and in the back office, more librarians work hard to keep the library current, relevant, and welcoming to the community.

8. The Spreckels Reading Room. If I didn’t have young children accompanying me on my trips to the library, I would be here every chance I could to read and write! The wood paneling, old lamps, and comfortable chairs draw in many daily visitors who love to work or read the paper from this quiet corner.

9. The media collection. My friend Adam is a movie buff and says the Coronado Library “always has the latest and greatest selection.” The library also offers digital books, books on tape, music, and endless online resources, and the head librarian recently told me that he is bringing faster internet (1 gigabyte/second) to the library as well.

10. The community. While I was working at the library this week, I left my bike helmet by a computer. Over an hour later I realized my mistake and panicked. But some kind patron had already turned it in, and I found it behind the front desk. Of course, the library is more than just nice people. I’ve also made some of my best friends in Coronado after meeting them at Story Hour, and my family and I have made some of our best Coronado memories there as well.

What do you love best about the Coronado Library? Share your best memories or give a shout out to your favorite librarian, if you’d like!


“Coronado Living” is a weekly column written by one of’s staff writers, Becca Garber. She writes about choosing simplicity and practicing hospitality with her family at home in Coronado. You can read more of her writing on her blog,

Becca Garber
Becca Garber
Becca is a Coronado local, military spouse, mother of three, and an ICU nurse on hiatus. In Coronado, you will find her at the playground with her kids, jogging to the beach, or searching the Coronado library for another good read.Have news to share? Send tips, story ideas or letters to the editor to: [email protected].

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