Thursday, March 6, 2025

Coronado Schools Memorabilia Needed for Exhibit

Did you attend Coronado schools? Have something you could share (loan to us) for our upcoming special exhibit?

Staff members of the Coronado Museum are currently gathering materials for a special exhibit opening in February on the history of Coronado’s public schools.

Community members who attended Coronado schools are invited to participate by loaning personal CHA school memorabilia for possible display. Items saved by former Coronado teachers and administrators would also be very welcome.

“We’re hoping alumni and former teachers come forward with Coronado school photos, class rings, cheerleading paraphernalia (like pom-poms and megaphones), scrapbooks, film or video footage, commemorative items such as plaques, trophies, inscribed and dated items from individual classes, game day “pep rally” items, event programs, graduation and class reunion materials, ” exhibit curator and Museum Director Bruce Linder explained. “And anyone whose material is displayed in this exhibit will be invited to a special preview event!”

He added that there is not a need for school newspapers, yearbooks, letter sweaters or jackets, uniforms or items from homecoming floats. Good examples of these items have already been assembled for this exhibit.

Anyone interested in loaning or donating an item(s) for the exhibit should submit a photograph or brief description to Denise Wald, [email protected], (619) 435-7242 x 105.

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