Friday, March 14, 2025

Third and Fourth Streets Planning Community looks to calm traffic, implement Neighborhood Pace Car Program

TAF (Third and Fourth Streets Planning Community) is looking to spearhead a Neighborhood Pace Car program for Coronado and is seeking the energy and creativity of neighbors and others who may be interested in helping get it off the ground. This is how it worksÂ…

Neighborhood Pace Car is an exciting-citizen based initiative that promises to slow traffic, reduce car use, and create an even more pedestrian- and bicycle-friendly community. Started in Boise, Idaho and being implemented in cities like Salt Lake City, Santa Cruz, San Jose, and Boulder, this idea is ingenious and simple; it uses cars to calm cars, merely by encouraging motorists to drive the speed limit and obey other existing traffic laws. Pace car drivers set a prudent pace for the drivers behind them. If they drive within the speed limit, the cars behind them will do the same. The central core of this program is that it puts the responsibility to drive responsibly on drivers while also encouraging driver courtesy. When used in conjunction with physical traffic calming elements on our streets, a dramatic impact can be made!

Neighborhood Pace Car programs are typically initiated jointly with the local police department and other interested city departments; however, successful programs rely on strong resident buy-in and leadership. If you or someone you know is interested in getting involved, let us know by messaging the TAF Facebook page so that we can get together and talk about the possibilities and ultimately bring the police department and others into the conversation.

The two elements of this program are a bumper sticker or window decal and a pledge.

  1. Motorists are asked to sign a pledge and implement it into their driving habits and lifestyles.
  2. A bumper sticker or window decal is provided to each participant, which identifies the participant as a pace car driver.

The Pace Car pledge typically includes elements such as a promise to:

  • Drive 25 mph on neighborhood streets

  • Stop for pedestrians and bicyclists at marked and unmarked crossings

  • Share the road safely with all road users including bicyclists & pedestrians

  • Plan enough travel time so that I’m not sacrificing safety or courtesy

  • Display the NEIGHBORHOOD PACE CAR decal on my vehicle

  • Encourage others to participate in the program

  • And, when possible, walk or bike around town to reduce traffic congestion


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Managing Editor
Managing Editor
Originally from upstate New York, Dani Schwartz has lived in Coronado since 1996. She is happy to call Coronado home and to have raised her children here. In her free time she enjoys reading, exercising, trying new restaurants, and just walking her dog around the "island." Have news to share? Send tips or story ideas to: [email protected]

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