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Monthly Archives: January, 2014
Police Blotter December 24 – 30: Alcohol-related arrests peak, several vandalisms reported
Crimes Reported Petty Theft Unknown suspect(s) stole the victim's locked bicycle. Estimated loss $350. Seventh Street and C Avenue 12-18 to 12-19 Lost Article...
2013 A Year in Review California
Most of the clips were taken in coronado and the video was assembled as part of a Coronado High School video production class project....
Blue Bridge Hospitality Food Drive Raffle Results
As a result of the generosity of the Coronado community, Blue Bridge Hospitality was able to collect over 300 meals for San Diegans...
Updated:Outbound Lane of Coronado Bridge Blocked due to 3-Vehicle Accident
UPDATE (4:44 p.m.) -- The bridge has been cleared and the SIGALERT has been lifted. The California Highway Patrol has issued a SIGALERT...
Is Coronado Becoming Possum Central?
Had a visitor on New Years Eve. A Possum. Is it me or does there seem to be more possums then ever...
Winter Solstice in Coronado (12-21-13)
Winter Solstice Sunset on the Silver Strand The sun was approaching the horizon. A clear sky made the view of the...