Saturday, March 15, 2025

City Council Meeting this Tuesday, November 19th

Reminder: The upcoming city council meeting will take place at City Hall starting at 4pm this Tuesday the 19th. In our email newsletter this morning, the wrong date was listed. Please note, the date of the meeting is this Tuesday at 4pm and will take place in the Council Chambers at the south end of City Hall located at 1825 Strand Way.

The complete agenda can be found here.

Councilman Richard Bailey shared this:

Two of the more noteworthy items that will be heard are:

11B. Senior/ Adult Activity Center recommended management model and consideration of a recommended floor plan. PG 159. Please note that this item is scheduled to be heard at a time certain of 5 pm. If you have not already given your opinion on the subject, there is an online survey being collected by a local community group CAN! (Coronado Association of Neighbors) which can be found here.

11C. Appointment of members to the RSIP-3 ad hoc committee. PG 179.

Read more about the Coronado Senior Center and see drawings here.


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