Sunday, January 5, 2025

Police Blotter Jan. 11-17th: Wheelchair Stolen – Bicycle Recovered

Thank you to the Coronado Police Department for making this information available to the public. This is a partial list for the week:

Malicious Mischief/Vandalism(Misdemeanor)
1st St
Unknown suspect(s) used white colored paint to graffiti the sign on the pier at the Coronado Ferry Landing


Grand Theft Property
Prospect Pl
Wallet stolen from drawer in medical office desk
Value: $996

Petty Theft
Pomona Ave
Bicycle stolen from residence, bicycle was recovered the next day
Value: $350

Petty Theft
Pomona Ave
Bicycle stolen from enclosed yard
Value: $250

Petty Theft
Olive Ln
Metal lawn chair and wheelchair stolen
Value: $440


Burglary/ Second Degree
B Ave
Property stolen through window of vehicle, suspect broke window and stole a backpack and vests inside
Value: $860

Burglary/ Second Degree
G Ave
Unknown suspect(s) entered closed garage and stole two bicycles and a bike pump
Value: $5,040

1300 block of Orange Ave
several items stolen from storage closet
Value: $647.30

Stolen Bicycle

Avenida Del Mundo
Locked bicycle stolen from residential area
Value: $200

Ferry Landing
Unlocked bicycle stolen
Value: $900

Traffic Collision

Orange Ave- Southbound
Broadside collision at intersection

9th St
sideswipe collision when making a right turn

900 block of Orange Ave
rear end collision
passenger refused medical attention

SR-75 Northbound
Driver sideswiped parked vehicle when backing

10th St
broadside collision at intersection


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