Pictured from a past Christmas are Sue Gillingham (left), Carmen Gonzalez (orphanage founder), and Sylvia Caban (Carmen’s daughter and youth minister). Sue Gillingham, co-owner of the 1906 Lodge, is once again asking the community to donate Christmas presents for the Casa Hogar Sion orphanage in Tijuana. The orphanage is a safe haven for over 100 children, infants to teenagers. Sue and Dave Gillingham have been “Secret Santas” for the orphanage since 1999. This year they “adopted” the teenaged boys. The teens need new boxer underwear and socks, and new or used shoes, clothing, and jackets. They also need personal grooming products. What they also “want” are typical teen junk food snacks and soda! They also have access to a Game Cube and would love a game! Casa Hogar Sion was founded in the mid 1990s when Carmen Gonzalez took in a few homeless children to her family’s 3 bedroom home. Within weeks, their house was overflowing with a dozen extra children and the need for a permanent (and larger!) space was born. The orphanage receives no Mexican government support and survives on donations from individuals, groups, and churches. The 1906 Lodge also donates sheets, towels and amenities that can no longer be used at the hotel. For more information, contact Sue@1906Lodge.com. Donations can be dropped off at the 1906 Lodge, at 1060 Adella Avenue, Coronado, between Thanksgiving and December 4th. For more information about the Casa Hogar Sion orphanage or the 1906 Lodge, check out their websites.
1906 Lodge is collecting Christmas presents for Tijuana orphanage
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