Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Support the US economy this 4th of July: GO SOLAR.

On July 4th, 1776, America declared herself independent of the rule of foreign forces, which were imposing excessive cost on the colonies with no interest in the betterment of the life of the colonials. While we are free from the forces of old, our economy and well-being is now largely controlled by the high cost of foreign fuels and subject to manipulation by the energy companies and leaders of the Middle East. It is time to declare energy independence once and for all this Fourth of July. How do we do this? We go solar and we go big and we go now. You may have seen the newsletters, articles, and ads around town about Coronado going solar and have wondered what this is all bout. The fact is one of our neighbors, Daniel Sullivan, owns a solar firm and is offering significant discounts to Coronado residents to go solar in an attempt to turn Coronado into the first City in the United States powered 100% by solar power. Is this possible? According to Sullivan we can do this is we cover 13% of one square mile with solar panels. We have more than enough space on our roofs, so the answer is yes. * DECLARE ENERGY INDEPENDENCE THIS FOURTH OF JULY! * There is no better way to support the national and local economy than to reduce our nation’s dependence on foreign energy sources from unstable rogue nations. Why do we keep sending our money to the Middle East for energy? We have enough energy falling out of the sky everyday to power our entire City with plenty to spare. In addition to the economic motivators, solar energy lessens our consumption of fossil fuels, decreasing pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, and leaving a cleaner healthy planet for future generations to inherit. So, what does it cost to go solar? In today’s market, a solar electric system is an extremely wise investment. Solar electricity is cheaper than utility power. Each year utility bills go up. However, the cost of solar is stable, which allows us to fix our utility rates now. While countries such as Germany are taking the lead on solar technologies, there really is no more ideal of a location than Coronado to take advantage of our greatest resource, the sun. Being residents of Southern California, we are blessed with sunshine in abundance! We have an opportunity to turn the entire City solar and lead by example. Sullivan Solar Power is owned by Coronado community resident Dan Sullivan, who is committed to keeping the rates low and providing incentives to locals. If more than 70kW (about 20 homes) are sold by September 1st, everyone receives a 7% discount on our systems. So far 11 families have signed up. Discounts get greater as more people sign up. So tell your neighbor and we all benefit! Learn more at Sullivan Solar Power’s FREE community seminar taking place August 15th at the Coronado Community Center (Abalone Room) at 1PM.

Please visit Sullivan Solar Power for more information.


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