Sunday, September 1, 2024

URT Dig Contest and Fundraiser – April 29th at Coronado Dog Beach

URT DIG is this Friday, April 29th at 5pm at Coronado Dog Beach. This 10 minute hole digging competition is not for the weak – you best be practicing and wake up ready! Need motivation? Watch the video below…

Sign up today! Enter 1 of 4 divisions. Plastic, metal, hands and paws (dog division). If you can’t make it, you can be a virtual digger!  CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP.

All contestants will get an official URT DIG shirt. All proceeds go to the @c4foundation and @1mwave The one and only @jonathanwaynefreeman will be MCing the event! #urtdig #liveheavy #chuckheavy #urturt. Video model: @alicjadelicja1


Coronado Times Staff
Coronado Times Staff
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