Saturday, March 15, 2025

Coronado High School Feminist Club Makes Cards for Local Shelters

Club members show off their cards.

Coronado High Schools Feminist Club is staying busy this spring with their numerous service projects. On Wednesday, April 26th, club officers held one final meeting for the month of April during lunch.

At this meeting, the club invited members to make hand written cards for people in shelters in San Diego and those that might enjoy a personal note in Coronado. One of the shelters the cards are going to is Amali Ventures. The club did a loungewear drive for this local group throughout the month of April which had a great turnout. Many students, in and out of the club, donated. Amali Ventures is a short-term residential and therapeutic program for females, ages 11 to 17. Additionally this group provides culturally relevant and trauma informed mental health services for these foster care and private placement teenagers.

For the Amali Ventures girls, club members wrote uplifting messages and shared how the club hopes they are able to use the donated loungewear items. Additional letters with general positive messages that are not going to Amali Ventures will be distributed to the Coronado Senior Center and Rachel’s Women’s Shelter in San Diego. In the past the club has connected with Rachel’s Shelter and has loved working with them.

The CHS Feminist Club’s goal and purpose is to proactively share the message of feminism in the form of community civic engagement. Club members believe that even something as small as making cards impacts the community in positive way, and that uniting the school and enriching members in the San Diego community is beneficial for everyone. “I think it’s amazing, and I think we are really helping make a lot of progress while having a fun time,” comments Addison Welsh. During the upcoming 2023-2024 school year, Welsh will be taking over as vice president after having been a member since her freshman year.

All CHS students are welcome to join the club – anyone can be a feminist. If students are interested in joining, meeting dates are posted on the club’s Instagram page, which is @chsfeministclub. Additionally, meeting dates and other announcements are sent out on the club’s Remind as well. One can sign up for the Remind by texting @chsfeclub to 81010. Club meetings are always in room 704 during lunch.

Maria Laguna
Maria Laguna
Maria Laguna is student at Coronado High School and has lived in San Diego her whole life. She is an officer to numerous clubs on campus, including: Feminist Club, Creative Writing Club, and Activism Book Club. Maria is also very involved with community service. Her passions include fashion, reading, writing, and travel. She shows her love of literature by being a Coronado Public Library volunteer in her free time and working on her own novella. She has always loved doing activities that let her express herself creatively. Maria plans to study fashion and writing after graduating from Coronado High in 2024. Have a story for The Coronado Times to cover? Send news tips or story ideas to: [email protected]

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