Thursday, February 6, 2025

Smear Campaigns Must Stop

Letters to the Editor submitted to The Coronado Times are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher, editors or writers of this publication. Submit letters to [email protected].

Submitted by Joe Whalen

Coronado online groups have emerged over the years on social media and have become good resources for announcements and information on community events. They have also become a place for debates and discussions on current topics to include local elections.

Sometimes debates can get heated when differing viewpoints come together, and it is all too easy for an argument to overshadow basic rules of decency. Like many living in Coronado, I have strong social and political views and am defensive of friends and like-minded people. We must always be vigilant that our views and passions do not overwhelm our personal honor or the right we all have to live in a community of mutual respect and free from harassment.

This year’s political season has brought out shocking behavior and all new lows on a number of local online sites. A few individuals have been conducting smear campaigns and personal attacks on our mayor, candidates for local office, and other individuals in our community. The nature of these online assaults on character has become toxic and disgusting, moving far away from debates on issues and towards what appears to be a campaign to destroy reputations and ruin lives. We have already seen a few accusations proven to be 100% false and nothing more than mean spirited.

The individuals engaging in this behavior seem to forget they are talking about their neighbors and people they walk by every day on the streets. Enough is enough. If you see someone’s personal reputation attacked online or in the local paper my advice is this: Don’t believe it, ignore it, and remember who made the accusation. Chances are if they smear someone in your neighborhood, they will have zero problem coming after you.

Joe Whalen


Managing Editor
Managing Editor
Originally from upstate New York, Dani Schwartz has lived in Coronado since 1996. She is happy to call Coronado home and to have raised her children here. In her free time she enjoys reading, exercising, trying new restaurants, and just walking her dog around the "island." Have news to share? Send tips or story ideas to: [email protected]

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