Thursday, March 20, 2025

Work on Ocean Boulevard Improvements to Begin March 15

The contractor on a project to improve Ocean Boulevard will begin initial work on Monday, March 7. Crews will conduct surveying, potholing for utilities and saw-cutting sidewalk sections for removal.

The first section of sidewalk that will be demolished and reconstructed will be from R.H. Dana Place to Isabella Avenue and that work will begin the week of March 15.

The City asks that those in the area, particularly pedestrians, observe the detours required for the work to be completed. The project will improve access and pedestrian mobility on the sidewalk along the ocean side of the boulevard. Traffic impacts can be expected as the project progresses including parking restrictions on both sides of the street and lane closures during working hours. Traffic will be reduced to one lane for both directions during pavement rehabilitation.

The approved design includes sidewalk widening to provide a minimum of 8 feet of clear pedestrian space. This will mean moving trash bins, benches and some light standards out of the pedestrian path. The project includes new asphalt on Ocean Boulevard from Ocean Drive to the crosswalk at Flora Avenue. Design features include curb bulbouts on the west side of Ocean Boulevard that will allow pedestrians to be seen better by motorists when crossing the street with no loss of on-street parking.

In accordance with the City’s Active Transportation Plan, pavement striping improvements along Ocean Boulevard will include high visible ladder-style crosswalks to replace the traditional two-stripe crosswalks and “share the road” pavement stencils, or sharrows, in both travel lanes to remind drivers that cyclists may use the full travel lane.




City of Coronado
City of Coronado
A small beach community with an island feel. Incorporated in 1890, Coronado has a rich history and exceptional community assets in a village atmosphere.

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