Saturday, March 15, 2025

Islander Cross Country Teams run at Mt. Carmel Invite

Last Saturday, about a dozen Islander Cross Country runners tested their legs at the Mt. Carmel Invitational over the Footlocker Nationals Cross Country course at Morley Field. The boys’ course is very tough because it climbs the Upas Street hill twice over its 2.95-mile distance. Our top runner for the boys was Conor Youngblood, who covered the distance in 17:57, which was 3 minutes and 22 seconds faster than his previous time over the course he last ran in 2019.

Conor Youngblood PRd by 3 minutes and 22 seconds

Sophomore Detrik Heidt was our next best performer with a time of 18:57 followed by Baxter Simpson (22:38), Jack Shumaker (22:52), Luca Durocher (23:11), Rafael Roos (23:40), and Isaiahs Navarro (24:41).

L-R Sophs Luca Durocher, Rafael Roos, Jack Shumaker

The girls’ course climbs the Upas Street hill just one time and is 2.75 miles long. Senior Lily Clemons was our top finisher for the girls with a time of 19:18. Juniors Dana Jennings and Anna Youngblood were our next two with times of 20:27 and 20:37. Our three freshmen runners Eva Vinegrad, Jaya Jost, and Sierra Grella, were not far back with times of 20:45, 20:49, and 22:58.

L-R Frosh Girls: Jaya Jost, Eva Vinegrad, Sierra Grella

There is one more invitational before the league competition starts in October. This Friday, we’ll run in the Coach Downey Invite which is also at Morley Field, but over a much flatter course.

More photos for this meet are here.



George Green
George Green
Head Cross Country and Distance Track Coach, Coronado High School

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