Sunday, March 2, 2025

City to Debut Outdoor Dining Venue: Dine Out Coronado!

Starting Friday, July 17, Coronado residents may enjoy dinner at an outdoor dining venue sponsored by the City in support of local restaurants impacted by the ongoing pandemic.

The City, with help from the Coronado Chamber of Commerce and Coronado MainStreet, is working to promote the outdoor dining venue, which will debut at Spreckels Park on July 17. Residents are invited to make a reservation beginning Wednesday, July 15, by calling the Chamber of Commerce at (619) 435-9260.

“All we ask is that you pick up a takeout meal from your favorite restaurant in town and join your Coronado neighbors outside while maintaining social distancing, and don’t forget your mask,” City Manager Blair King said. “We think this will be a great way to help businesses who have struggled to keep up with all the updates to the public health order and a safe and fun way for people to re-enter public life.”

Diners may book a table for a maximum of six people from the same household. There will be two seatings each on three days, Friday-Sunday, July 17-20. Friday and Saturday dining begins at 5 pm. On Sunday, dining will begin at 1 pm. Call for seating times.

The City will set up 11 safely spaced tables and cordon off the area to control social distancing. Reservations are required. The concept is to provide a reserved table to diners in a safe 10-by-10 pop-up tent to enjoy food and beverages. It is anticipated that the City Council will waive the alcohol prohibition in municipal parks so diners can bring their own alcohol to drink with their dinner.

“Picnicking is already allowed in City parks,” King said. “This will be an organized picnic that we hope the community will enjoy. We’ll evaluate this weekend’s participation and consider expanding future outdoor dining events to include other venues and days of the week.”

In May, the City agreed to waive Coronado’s parking code requirements to allow local restaurants to temporarily serve dining patrons outdoors due to limits on dine-in services. With a new prohibition on indoor dining, the City is going business to business to help approve temporary outdoor seating. Restaurants may now offer seating on a sidewalk, within an on-site outdoor space or in a privately-owned parking lot subject to certain conditions and limitations. Applications may be found online.

Staff will implement all operating protocol required by the San Diego County Health & Human Services Agency including the sanitation of the table and chairs, regulation of social distancing, mandatory face coverings and screening of staff hired to welcome and seat guests and conduct sanitation protocol.

Source: City of Coronado

Managing Editor
Managing Editor
Originally from upstate New York, Dani Schwartz has lived in Coronado since 1996. She is happy to call Coronado home and to have raised her children here. In her free time she enjoys reading, exercising, trying new restaurants, and just walking her dog around the "island." Have news to share? Send tips or story ideas to: [email protected]

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