Tuesday, January 14, 2025

VFW Goes Digital For Memorial Day 2020

VFW and City of Coronado Combine Efforts To Digitize Memorial Day Services

For decades, Memorial Day Services in Star Park have been a tradition in Coronado.

Memorial Day services have been held nationally to honor our fallen warriors since 1868. In Coronado, the local chapter of the Veterans of Foreign Wars has hosted a tribute annually, for decades, at Star Park. It is so well-attended that people spill out into the street surrounding the event.

This year, however, the physical assembly to celebrate Memorial Day has been temporarily cancelled due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Instead of gathering at Star Park on Monday May 25, Coronadans will be able to watch a half hour tribute to Memorial Day on Coronado TV, the City of Coronado’s government access channel. The program will air at 10am on May 25.

Joe Ditler Memorial DayThe program is being hosted by the City of Coronado and Coronado VFW Post 2422, with continued support from long-time partners, the United States Navy League and the Military Officers Association of America.

The project is being produced by local cinematographer Tony Perri. The tribute will include many of the traditional pieces of the regular program involved in past Star Park presentations, as well as interviews with major players and a host of visuals currently being filmed.

“We find ourselves in a strange and different time,” said VFW Commander Chuck Lucas, who also serves annually as the Master-of-Ceremonies for Memorial Day events. “Thanks to the generosity of the City of Coronado, we will be able to continue this year in the age-old tradition of honoring our fallen warriors. We think the presentation will be enjoyed by an even larger audience, and we have been working hard with the very talented folks at City Hall to create what we hope will be a unique, memorable and special tribute.”

After the Memorial Day showing at 10 am on May 25, the televised show will repeat numerous times on Coronado TV in the weeks to follow. Consult your local provider for the exact channel on your television (Coronado TV can be found on Spectrum Cable Channel 19 and AT&T Channel 99).

–Photos and story by Joe Ditler and Part-Time PR.


Joe Ditler
Joe Ditler
Joe Ditler is a professional writer, publicist and Coronado historian. Formerly a writer with the Los Angeles Times, he has been published in magazines and newspapers throughout North America and Europe. He also owns Part-Time PR (a subsidiary of Schooner or Later Promotions), specializing in helping Coronado businesses reach larger audiences with well-placed public relations throughout the greater San Diego County. He writes obituaries and living-obituaries under the cover "Coronado Storyteller,” capturing precious stories of our friends, neighbors, veterans and community stalwarts. To find out more, write or call [email protected], or (619) 742-1034.

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