Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Vegetable Gardening 101 at the Coronado Library

Saturday, September 14, 10:00 AM              with Karan Greenwald

This class will provide the basics for a successful and bountiful harvest, whether in the ground or in pots. We will cover location, size, soil preparation, choosing vegetables, irrigation, harvesting and seed saving. Whether you are just starting or already have a garden, there is always something new to learn. Handouts will be provided.

Karan Greenwald began gardening with her grandfather when she was two years old. She has always had a vegetable garden in any house in which she has lived. About 15 years ago, she became specifically interested in tomatoes and started looking for odd or uncommon tomato varieties to plant. She has gathered seeds from England, France, Spain, Croatia, Bosnia and Cuba. Fifteen years of great successes and abysmal failures growing tomatoes has taught her a great deal about gardening!

Karan is a Master Gardener, a member of the Point Loma Garden Club, member of the Point Loma Association and a few other groups. She is an avid recycler, composter and organic gardener who is looking forward to sharing her knowledge of vegetable gardening with the Coronado Community.

This free educational presentation is made possible by the Friends of the Library and will be held in the Winn Room.

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