Sunday, March 16, 2025

SDG&E to Present “How to Save Money and Energy”

Wednesday, September 4th at 10:00 am in the Winn Room at the Coronado Public Library 


SDG&E energy rates continue to increase year after year. This year, as per directives from the Legislature and the California Public Utilities Commission, SDG&E became the first of the state’s three investor-owned power companies to move customers from a tiered billing system to a “time of use” format.

Additionally, SDG&E has made some billing structure changes. For example, the electricity you use in a month is broken up into two tiers. It may be helpful to think of tiers as usage levels. As you use electricity during the month, you move up from one tier or usage level to the next and the price you get charged can go up.

SDG&E Outreach speaker Martha Quintero will visit the library to explain these changes and talk about the variety of plans that SDG&E offers to help you decide which plan is best for
you. She will take questions after the presentation.

This program is free and open to the public.


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