The speakers were passionate.
The speeches amazing.
After winning at Coronado’s Rotary Club level and prevailing at preliminary San Diego County Rotary Club Contests, two Coronado High School students are advancing to Regional competitions (the final step leading to District finals).

Cole Mullins, Coronado High School junior, will next deliver his speech about how public speaking builds confidence in teenagers on April 5 at the Regional competition in Chula Vista.

Olivia Troyer, CHS/C0SA senior, will speak about the hypocrisy of the US theatre industry’s stated objective of presenting theatre for everyone, versus the reality of exorbitant ticket prices on April 10. Olivia’s Regional competition will take place at the San Diego Downtown Rotary meeting at the University Club in Symphony Towers.
The top three speakers at these two competitions will advance to the Rotary District Finals, representing 68 Rotary Clubs in San Diego and Imperial Counties.
The annual Rotary 4-Way Test Speech Contest attracts more than 150 high school students and provides cash prizes of up to $1,500.
The speeches are based on the “4-Way Test” principles followed by Rotary International:
* Is it the Truth?
* Is it Fair to all concerned?
* Will it build Goodwill and better Friendships?
* Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?