Saturday, March 15, 2025

Brief City Council Meeting Features Contest Winners, New Police Chief, Wastewater, Free Parking, and Trees

Recreation Department Thanksgiving Poster Coloring Contest Winners

NameLast nameDivisionPlaceSchool
HunterPetersenK & 1st1stSilver Strand, K
LucaIrvineK & 1st2ndChrist Church, Senior K
EricaCalischK & 1st3rdVillage, 1st
SummerSlappy2nd & 3rd1stSilver Strand, 2nd
AmandaPuig Robles2nd & 3rd2ndVillage, 2nd
ElizabethLauder2nd & 3rd3rdVillage, 3rd
MadelineNoble4th & 5th1stVillage, 4th
SabrinaPuig Robles4th & 5th2ndVillage, 5th
NoahSkaalen4th & 5th3rdOur Lady of Grace

“If you have never been here for a Council meeting, you picked the right one to come to because this is probably the most adorable thing we do all year,” joked Mayor Bailey as the Recreation Department Turkey Coloring Contest Winners were called up to accept their prizes. There were 139 entries from all of the Coronado schools this year representing grades Kindergarten through 5th grades with three categories. Stacy Berman, Programs Supervisor, said that this was the 28th year of the contest, which is sponsored by the Junior Woman’s Club. The first-place winners receive a turkey and the second and third place winners get a pie from Mama’s Kitchen.

New Police Chief Charles Kaye was sworn in by City Clerk Mary Clifford. City Manager Blair King said that Kaye has spent his entire law enforcement career in San Diego County, and was selected from 63 qualified candidates. San Diego Police Chief David Nisliet, Executive Assistant Chief Todd Jarvis and other San Diego and La Mesa Command Staff members came out to support him. He was also well represented with nine family members, including his wife Lisa. This is his third week on the job and he commented that everyone in town has been very friendly and said, “I have never been so welcomed by a crew of folks than with Coronado PD and Executive Staff.”

Wastewater Agreement

Councilmember Donovan asked that the Wastewater Agreement item be pulled from the consent calendar with additional clarification saying, “Personally, I find this issue complex and want to allow the public to understand this because it affects the rate payer’s sewer rates down the line.” City Manager Blair King pointed out that Councilmember Benzian is a voting member for the City on the Metro Wastewater Joint Powers Authority (JPA). Benzian said, “The JPA agreed that this is a good path forward, but albeit an expensive one. It’s an important project that is going to improve our water quality in the ocean and provide more potable water for the community and region.” The JPA is comprised of 12 municipalities and agencies that share the use of San Diego’s wastewater facilities.

Ed Walton, City Engineer presented an overview of the project. A new agreement is needed because The Clean Water Act requires treatment plants to treat to secondary levels. Phase I of The Pure Water Program is estimated at $1.388 billion, divided into two segments: $842 million in water costs that don’t affect Coronado, and $536 million in Wastewater Costs, of which Coronado is only responsible for a small portion. Walton said that, “There is a safety net for rate payers with the pure water program capped at $1.8 billion.”

The City pumps approximately three million gallons per day to Point Loma. Rate payers pay on quality and quantity. The Navy contributes about half of that and they pay for their share directly to San Diego for processing.

This has been a lengthy process since the JPA started working with San Diego on a Pure Water Program in 2014. It is anticipated that the bulk of Phase I will be completed in the next five years. The motion was unanimously approved.

Free Parking

After discussion, Saturday, December 1 through Tuesday, January 1 are the approved dates for the Free Parking in all commercial zones. Sue Gillingham, Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce said that the worst shopping weeks are after Black Friday through December 15 for local merchants, and they hope that this will help encourage more shoppers. They are working with Coronado Mainstreet to promote shopping local to help Coronado businesses and Discover Coronado with the Free Shuttle Service.

Hazardous Tree Removal in Spreckels Park

After a presentation by Cliff Mauer, Director of Public Services and Engineering, the Council unanimously voted to reaffirm the established policy for hazardous tree removal. Mauer stated that the city works to evaluate trees and preserve them as long as safely possible. There have been 10 trees removed from Spreckels Park in the last nine years, half of which failed before removal, which they want to prevent in the future. After the most recent failure of an Italian Stone Pine, they did a more thorough evaluation of the trees in the Park, due to its high usage. He recommended that five Sugar Gum (Eucalyptus) trees be removed, one at high risk will be removed immediately, with the remaining four taken out within the next 60 days.


Jennifer Velez
Jennifer Velez
Jennifer fell in love with Coronado as a teenager while visiting a college friend. She vowed that someday she would make it her home, and that dream has recently become a reality. Fast forward through completing college with a BA in Journalism, Public Relations and Communications, she then went on to work with a variety of clients. She also taught Journalism and coordinated fundraising for her children’s school, and was a staff writer for San Diego Family Magazine and contributed to other parenting publications. Have news to share? Send tips, story ideas or letters to the editor to:

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