The Coronado community was invited to see renderings and exhibits of the Third and Fourth Streets Neighborhood Lighting and Landscape Improvements Project on Tuesday, April 24, in the Library’s Winn Room. Representatives from the City and ktua, the firm who designed the project, were on hand to listen to input and answer questions.
— Open a PDF of the full presentation information —
This has been a 10-month process, due in part to waiting for the finalization of the plans for the light on Alameda, so the two projects could have complimentary designs. The proposed design features banners from the Avenue of Heroes, with a potential of eight banners per block, more than doubling the current number. A proposed blue star theme would honor the Blue Star Memorial Highway, and would be accomplished by melting color and adding tone, which is a cost-effective way to create design elements.

The first phase will be a two block test area that will showcase two types of intersections. Future phases would complete the SR-282 corridor (Third and Fourth Streets west of Orange Avenue). Third and Fourth Streets east of Orange Avenue could also be considered for similar improvements.

The proposal incorporates more lighting with three different pole sizes featuring LED lights that will highlight only the relevant areas. A photometric study showed the consistent light reflection from LED lights, allowing the ability to control the light disbursement so it doesn’t shine on houses, but rather focuses on the street. The light poles are based on the Caltrans standard, which is thicker than normal. The transit stops will feature a bench and a trashcan.
Since it is difficult to get Caltrans approval, no bulbouts will be incorporated, but rather striping will be added to create the effect, which is Caltrans approved. No trees will be removed, but up to five trees could be added to fill in for consistency.
The City is hoping that by providing these renderings Coronado residents will see that the scope of the changes are not major and will calm traffic and provide a more aesthetically pleasing corridor. The City is hoping to hear constructive comments from the public and will adjust plans accordingly, if needed. The City is estimating that Phase I of the project will cost approximately $600,000.

They are hoping to get a Caltrans relinquishment study for the 3rd and 4th street corridor in July. If you look on Highway 101 at cities from Encinitas to Carlsbad, after relinquishment, the cities were able to create traffic sensitive, aesthetically pleasing corridors without extensive restrictions.
For questions or more information, check the City website or call City Engineer Ed Walton at (619) 522-7383 or email at [email protected].