Tuesday, March 11, 2025

City Manager’s Weekly Update – December 22, 2017

  • Most city facilities will be closed on 12/25 and 1/1/2018 and some will close early or be closed on 12/24 and 12/31
  • Christmas tree recycling begins the day after Christmas using either green-waste curbside program or at an official drop off location
  • Hazardous waste disposal will be closed the next two Saturdays, 12/23 & 12/30
  • New vending machine in Community Center lobby to take the place of the snack bar, which has closed
  • Candidates may now file campaign statements electronically with the addition of an ordinance that was adopted by the City Council on 12/19
  • Flower Lady stand operator has submitted new plans for the stand that was destroyed last month; the plans were approved by the Design Review Commission
  • Preliminary Environmental Analysis Report has been submitted to Caltrans for the Gateway Project
  • The solstice clock on Nature’s Bridge to Discovery was a gathering place on 12/21 to celebrate the beginning of the winter season
  • Winter/Spring 2018 Recreation Services brochure is now online and printed version will be in the mail shortly
  • City Council honored two city employees, Peter Fait and Ellenjoy Weber, each who have worked for the city for more than 30 years
  • Leticia Martinez, administrative secretary for the fire department, was awarded City Manager’s Employee of the Quarter
  • Coronado TV issues ongoing as the city works with Spectrum to find problem and solution

Each week, the City Manager’s Office provides an update that includes information on programs, services and issues within the City, as well as news, project updates and follow-up information when necessary.

Get up to speed on what’s going on in Coronado with this video preview of the latest edition of the Coronado City Manager’s Weekly Update, as well as a sampling of the updates below. Read the full update on the City’s website.

  • Electronic Filing: State law allows candidates in local elections to file campaign disclosure statements electronically. Candidates in Coronado may file their statements electronically, contingent upon the City Council adopting an ordinance approving the use of online or electronic filing. Coronado on Tuesday, December 19, adopted such an ordinance. The City has selected the firm of NetFile to provide an “error-proof” way to submit disclosure statements and allow the public to review the documents electronically.
  • Gateway Project Update: City Engineering staff reported this week that a Preliminary Environmental Analysis Report has been submitted for the Coronado Gateway Project to the California Department of Transportation District 11. The report contains a brief description of the proposed work and the anticipated environmental document. It focused heavily upon the impacts the project may have on the historic and cultural resources of the San Diego-Coronado Bridge, a historic district eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. This status will most likely require the completion of a full environmental impact report pursuant to the provisions of California’s Environmental Quality Act. An EIR will facilitate public review of the project and provide flexibility in design as the project progresses.Gateway Renderings
  • Christmas Tree Recycling:  Christmas trees, including flocked trees, may be recycled by using either the green-waste curbside program or the drop-off program. For the green waste curbside program, place four-foot sections of tree in your yard waste recycling containers, or bundle tree sections together with twine (maximum four feet in length and 18 inches in diameter) and place on the curb. Drop-off locations include the Glorietta Bay Boat Launch Ramp parking lot and the Cays Sports Park parking lot. Look for the large green dumpsters. Trees may be placed whole into these containers. No trash please. Residents can drop off their trees beginning Tuesday, December 26, through about mid-January.
  • Avenue of Heroes logoAvenue of Heroes Full Biographies Online: Last month, the Coronado community honored its sixth round of Avenue of Heroes banner recipients. The Avenue of Heroes Committee writes fuller biographies for each honoree that have recently been uploaded to the City’s website. The program honors military members who live or have lived in Coronado and who have honorably served in any branch of the armed services. For information on how to nominate a banner recipient, visit the Avenue of Heroes webpage on the City’s website.

For the complete City Manager’s Weekly Update, visit the city’s website.

Managing Editor
Managing Editor
Originally from upstate New York, Dani Schwartz has lived in Coronado since 1996. She is happy to call Coronado home and to have raised her children here. In her free time she enjoys reading, exercising, trying new restaurants, and just walking her dog around the "island." Have news to share? Send tips or story ideas to: [email protected]

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