Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Picking up the Pieces after High Speed Crash at Rotary Plaza and The Flower Lady Cart

Where Tuesday there was The Coronado Flower Lady, yesterday morning there was a city cleanup crew.

Rotary Plaza cleanup
Clean up the morning after the crash

Tuesday night at 9:18 pm, Coronado Police (CPD) received calls that an accident had happened on Orange Avenue. Witnesses described a black vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed (estimates ranged between 70-90 miles per hour), which struck the light pole at Rotary Plaza, flipped and came to rest on the fountain wall before tipping over onto the Flower Lady’s flower cart.

Photo provided by Gunner Peterson
car accident Rotary Plaza
Photo provided by Steve Albert

CPD has confirmed that two individuals were removed from the debris of the car:  the driver, a 22 year-old male, and a female passenger. Both were transported to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries. The driver was arrested for felony DUI.

The Flower Lady cart
The remains of the Flower Lady cart.

Shanel and Steve Albert own the Flower Lady stand. The Coronado Times spoke with them Wednesday morning at the scene of the accident. The couple worked at the stand for two years and then purchased it in 2016. They support their family with the business and Shanel was concerned about the loss of revenue even for a single day. The good news is that they have arranged to re-open Thursday with a big table, a phone and flowers.

For those who would like to help, you can buy flowers once again starting today on Orange Avenue. Or, you may order through The Flower Lady website here.

A GoFundMe page has been set up for anyone wanting to help financially. Click here.

Luan Troxel
Luan Troxel
Luan’s background spans a range of industries from academia to management consulting to investment banking. Along the way, she earned an undergraduate degree in political science at Northwestern University, a PhD in the same field from the University of Michigan and an MBA from Columbia University. She has lived on both coasts and many states in between, as well as in Bulgaria and Germany. Have news to share? Send tips, story ideas or letters to the editor to [email protected]

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