Thursday, February 6, 2025

Guam Issues Release to Residents: Preparing for an Imminent Missile Threat

As North Korea continues to make threats toward Guam, the Guam Joint Information Center released a detailed fact sheet to prepare residents on how to prepare and survive a missile strike.

The island of Guam is located approximately 4,000 miles West of Hawaii, and 1,500 miles East of the Philippines.  It is about 2,200 miles Southeast of North Korea.  Guam is a US territory and residents are US citizens. The island is about 6 miles wide and 36 miles long.

According to the Naval Base Guam website:

Approximately 6,300 active duty Navy members and 6,900 family members live on Guam as well as a significant population of retired military personnel.

Preparing for an Imminent Missile Threat (PDF)


Coronado Times Staff
Coronado Times Staff
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