CSA Donates $17,000 to Cancer Research

The Coronado Surfing Association (CSA) is proud to announce that they have donated $17,000 to the Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Research Foundation. Lorton Mitchell was taken from his family, friends, business and the ocean way to soon because of this rare and relentless cancer. CSA’s next fundraiser will be held the Saturday after Thanksgiving and we know we can continue to count on this community’s amazing support. Thank you very much!
Lorton Mitchell Scholarship Award

The Coronado Surfing Association would like to publicly recognize Ben Outlaw and Kristian Kocherga for earning the Lorton Mitchell Scholarship Award. Lorton Mitchell was taken from us too soon, but his love for the ocean and for his family, friends and all children will live on through many channels, including this scholarship that his wife Carolyn created and the Coronado Surfing Association proudly raises money for.
Ben and Kristian have been watermen since elementary school and have proven again and again that character counts. Ben recently graduated from the rigorous California State Lifeguard Academy and plans on earning his Captain’s License and attending National Outdoor Leadership School. Kristian will attend San Francisco State University in the fall and study journalism and music. Kristian was the lead singer of a very popular and successful high school band called The Fears. We are so proud and excited for these amazing and talented young men. Lift your anchor boys, you’re ready to sail to beautiful ports.