Each week, the City Manager’s Office provides an update that includes information on programs, services and issues within the City, as well as news, project updates and follow-up information when necessary.
Get up to speed on what’s going on in Coronado with this preview of the latest edition of the Coronado City Manager’s Weekly Update and some bullet points below. Read more detailed information on the City’s website.
- Orange Avenue Sidewalk Cleaning: In an effort to provide Coronado’s residents, businesses and guests with a superior level of service, the City contracted with Urban Corps of San Diego to provide a special crew, seven days a week, for sidewalk porter services throughout the City’s business districts. Crews are assigned to Orange Avenue, First Streets and the many side streets where businesses are found through September to address the increased summertime crowds. A supervisor and two crew members patrol from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., peak tourist hours, picking up trash, scraping gum, cleaning dropped ice cream, sanitizing the tops of trash lids, removing dog poop and emptying trash.
- Glorietta Bay Pump Station Structural Repairs: Work continues on the Glorietta Bay Pump Station wet well. Anyone who has been near Glorietta Bay Park and Club Room and Boathouse may have noticed the work fencing and vehicles, and possibly an unfortunate odor. What is not seen are the crews working hard to clean the inside of the very large wet well, which sits some 40 feet below ground. Crews using special protective clothing and breathing masks are working as quickly as possible to complete the project. They have removed approximately 40 cubic yards of debris and expect to finish all debris removal this week. A considerable amount of sand and shells found in the debris is slowing work as the City tries to figure out how the coastal debris is getting into the system. Next week, the contractor will set up scaffolding in the wet well to begin demolition of the lining material. Traffic may use Strand Way but drivers are encouraged to turn around at the boat launch area.

- Pokédex Installed: As Pokémon Go continues to be popular, the Coronado Public Library is getting in on the fun. Staff has created a Pokédex and set it up in the lobby so people can record what they catch. Pokémon Go is free to play and allows players to “catch” characters with its location-based mobile app that mixes real locations and virtual Pokémon. It was released on July 7, and has had 15 million downloads on Apple’s App store. Characters found so far include: Mewto, Charizard, Zubat, Magnemite, Charmander, Zapdos, Horsea, Eevee, Magikarp, Squirtle, Spearow, Electrode, Pikachu, Voltorb, Weedle and Pidgey. As they say: Gotta catch ‘em all!
- The Facilities team replaced the air conditioning unit on the portable restroom trailer. The salt air has completely disintegrated the cooling fins on the air conditioner causing it to be inoperable. The restroom has been temporarily closed due to a problem with the flushing system. Portable restrooms will be provided if the repairs cannot be made by the weekend.
For the complete City Manager’s Update, visit the City’s website.