UPDATE, December 11: The California Department of Transportation has notified the City that it has changed the date from Sunday, December 13, to tomorrow, December 12, for filming to take place on the San Diego-Coronado Bridge from approximately 6:30 to 10 a.m. The change was made due to the weather. Filming vehicles will be staged at the Toll Plaza and California Highway Patrol will escort the filming vehicles and conduct small traffic breaks at the base of the bridge to allow the vehicles to exit the plaza area. The filming will intermittently slow traffic a few minutes at a time.
City of Coronado, December 10 – Caltrans Bridge Filming: The California Department of Transportation has notified the City that it has permitted filming to take place on the San Diego-Coronado Bridge on Sunday, December 13, from approximately 6:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. Filming vehicles will be staged at the Toll Plaza, and California Highway Patrol will escort the filming vehicles and conduct small traffic breaks at the base of the bridge to allow the vehicles to exit the plaza area. The filming will intermittently slow traffic a few minutes at a time.
Release source: City of Coronado Facebook Page