Sunday, March 9, 2025

Police Giving More Bicycle Tickets this Fall

The start of the school year brings a wave of students to school via bicycles. Trek, Giant, Huffy, Schwinn and other staples of the biking community grace our schoolyards. All of our schools work to support student bicyclists. We love to see students exercising and engaging in healthy activities!

But, we also want them to arrive safely both to school and home. So does the Coronado Police Department (CPD).

Every year the CPD embarks on a large-scale education campaign the first few weeks to inform students and families alike about bicycle safety laws and ordinance codes in Coronado. You may have noticed an influx of officers in the community these past few weeks. They have been tirelessly working to inform cyclists on best bicycle practices, Coronado regulations, and ways to be safe on the road. The City will soon be sponsoring more formal training, using grant funds.

Like years past, they start off the school year with a grace period. Again, the ultimate goal is to educate the community and keep everyone safe on the road.

As October goes along, we will start seeing an increase of bicycle related enforcement as the grace period winds down.

To keep bicyclists safe and avoid citations, below are the most commonly cited incidences:

  • Not wearing a helmet*;
  • Running a stop sign;
  • Not stopping for pedestrians;
  • Riding in a cross walk;
  • Riding on the left side of the street;
  • Riding on the handlebars or pegs.

*Children under 18 must be wearing a helmet when operating a bicycle, non-motorized scooter, skateboard, or inline roller skates. The helmet must be properly fitted and fastened.

When taking your bike and hitting the road, remember that your bicycle is viewed as a vehicle. This means the vehicle traffic laws apply to bicyclists as well. These rules promote safety for both bicyclists and drivers on the road.

See the vehicle code referencing bicycles.


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