Monday, February 24, 2025

Community Voices: City of Coronado Official Complaint? Go to the Action Center!

Ever wonder how to make an official complaint to the City of Coronado? Making official Coronado complaints are easy! How many of you know about the Action Center button on the City of Coronado’s website? It can be found in the upper right corner of the webiste, or it can be found by going here. By doing so, you create an indisputable “paper trail” that strips away the favored defense of “plausible deniability” from city elected officials and bureaucrats so the problem must be acknowledged because it’s undeniable. Doing so also helps Coronado officials and employees of good faith understand and quantify the magnitude of the problem. Finally, your “work orders” through the Action Center serve as an important category of your evidence that helps you make your case on certain issues when you need assistance from people in authority who are outside Coronado.


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