Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Broadway Quality at Lamb’s Players Right Here in Coronado – Go See Les Mis

Les Miserables is my favorite musical of all time. Period. The music, the plot, the characters, and the profound message of grace is beyond compare to any other musical, in my opinion. This past week my husband and I took my parents to see Les Mis at Lamb’s Players Theatre. We all wondered how they would pull off such a huge production is such a small theatre. I know that every production I have seen at Lamb’s has been a quality production, but was blown away by the amazing performance…right here in Coronado.

I have seen Les Miserables on Broadway and this was as good (if not better) than the production I saw in New York. The quaintness of the theatre makes the experience that much more intimate and meaningful. All of the actors were top notch and had Broadway voices and stage presence. You don’t have to go all the way to New York or even downtown to see quality theatre. We have Lamb’s right here on Orange Ave! The theatre is so small that there is really no such thing as a bad seat. We were in the very top row and it was great. Plus, if you are active military, the prices are 50% off.

Les Miserables was just extended at Lamb’s until September 27th November 2nd, so do whatever you need to do to get there and see it. Click here for more info on getting tickets.

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