Monday, March 10, 2025

Summer FUN: Learn How to Produce, Film & Host a TV Special on the World Famous Coronado Fourth of July Parade!

I am honored to be teaching two Coronado School of the Arts “Summer Intensive” workshops on TV and Film production – which are specifically designed for people of all ages – who have a passion for learning how to produce, direct, film and/or host live and taped digital media presentations for Internet, cable and broadcast TV platforms.

We get to produce and create with state-of-the-art High-Definition cameras and editing systems – as well as have the full use of the multi-million dollar TV studio on the CHS campus. Please note that all current and former CoSA students receive a significant enrollment discount. Please contact the CoSA office to learn more:

As the instructor for both workshops, I bring to the table many years as a producer and director for the Walt Disney Company, Warner Bros. and Paramount Pictures. I am also the producer, director and cinematographer on two films including the feature movie, Serotonin Rising starring the Dalai Lama and Deepak Chopra, and the documentary film, School of Thought with David Lynch and Paul McCartney. While with Disney and Warner, I produced hundreds of live and taped TV specials, commercials and entertainment stories. Please go to this site for a look at many of TV and Film productions:

Coronado July 4th Parade Highlights

The Summer Intensive students will work on two awesome productions this season. Each is two-weeks in length. The first Intensive involves the digital media coverage of the world-famous Coronado Fourth of July Parade. In the week leading up to the parade, Summer Intensive students will learn how professional producers and directors prepare for the production of a live event and how to accurately film and host the event for a live TV transmission. During the event, the students will cover the parade from beginning to end and in the days following it – will edit a Parade Highlights TV Special for airing on Coronado TV and worldwide on the Internet.

The second Summer Intensive teaches students how to film the rehearsals and the live performance of a spectacular dance presentation which happens during the Wizard of Oz Days on Coronado at the Coronado Performing Arts Center. We will conduct interviews with famous dancers and dance instructors, film their entire performance at the theatre – and then professionally edit the footage into a TV show Special Performance presentation.

Here is the direct link to sign up for one or both of the TV and Film Summer Intensives:

Please feel free to contact me at any time for more information and to answer all questions.


Tony Perri
Executive Producer/Teacher
Coronado TV
Coronado School of the Arts

(619) 347-1185
[email protected]


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