Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Christ Church hosting Blood Drive to Help with Urgent Blood Shortage


Christ Episcopal Church will be hosting a blood drive this Sunday, February 16, to assist the San Diego Blood Bank. The Bloodmobile with be parked in the Walgreens’ parking lot from 8:00 a.m – 1:00 p.m. Donors may make an appointment online or walk-ins can be accommodated as time and space allow.

Donors of all blood types are urgently needed to give blood immediately at San Diego Blood Bank donor centers and bloodmobiles, said Lynn Stedd, blood bank spokesperson. This serious shortage is being caused by a shortage of saline which allows 125 donors each week to give double red cells, or a total of 250 donations per week. Since saline has been unavailable, the blood bank has not been able to collect hundreds of donations and each day the supply declines further

The loss of these donations has dramatically limited the amount of blood available for local hospital patients, especially in the rare blood types: O-, A- and B-, and in the most common type O+. “Usually blood banks with shortages can turn to other parts of the country for help, but currently there is nowhere to turn due to bad weather and the saline shortage across the country,” Stedd said.

The saline shortage was caused by a worse than average flu season in December and January that spiked the demand for intravenous saline for these dehydrated patients. The spike occurred at a time when saline manufacturers were normally closed for holidays.

During to the current shortage, hospitals and dialysis centers have first priority in filling saline orders.

The FDA is working with the manufacturers to address the shortage with a resolution promised by the second quarter of 2014, which could mean long-term blood shortages without community response to this appeal.

To find the nearest bloodmobile or donor center, go to or call 1-800-469-7322.


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