Saturday, March 15, 2025

“THOR: The Dark World” Lights up the Village Theatre Screen

Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston are back as Thor and Loki and it’s a fantastic adventure you don’t want to miss!

It is a rare occasion when the hubby and I can manage a date night without our three girls. We were able to do just that on the eve of Veterans Day to catch the newest Marvel movie, “THOR: The Dark World”. To be fair, I have to share that Marvel didn’t win me over initially. The older I get, I seem to gravitate more towards things that are lighter in subject and will make me laugh. It was our daughters who pulled me in to the Marvel world of “Thor” and “The Avengers”. I must admit, also, that I am not well versed as to how all the movies “fit” together nor am I expertly familiar with all of the characters.

I think I saw the original “THOR” movie once. Prior knowledge about and viewing of the other Marvel movies can only enhance the experience of “THOR: The Dark World”, but I believe it is not entirely necessary to enjoy this movie. A viewing of the original “Thor” will provide knowledge of the characters and improve the understanding you have of their relationships. Either way, I believe this action packed drama, with a hint of comedy and romance will entertain you. I also think this sequel is better than 2011’s “Thor”.

Odin, King of Asgard (played by Anthony Hopkins) and Thor’s father, notes that, “Some believe that before the universe there was nothing. They’re wrong. There was darkness and it has survived.” This darkness is called the aether and is sought by the movie’s villain, Malekith, played by Christopher Eccleston. He and his dark elves have been hibernating while awaiting the opportunity to gain possession of the aether and bring back darkness, thus crushing all life as we know it.

So, simply put, this movie uses the age old struggle between light and dark, good and evil. There’s the super hero and the maiden who loves him. There’s the internal struggle of the super hero between obligation and desire. There is the possibility that all life as we know it will end. There is playful banter between characters, action, emotion, and some serious surprises. What’s not to love about this movie?

Since Jane and Thor last parted, he and the warrior three have been busy attempting to restore order to the nine realms. Earth happens to be one of the nine realms and though Thor remains in his home, Asgard, his heart, it seems, remains on earth with Jane Foster, played by Natalie Portman. Jane has been waiting on earth for her superhero to return. When a strange anomaly occurs, she disappears and encounters the aether. It takes up residence in her body.

Thor comes to Earth and takes Jane back to Asgard. Through a series of events, they figure out that the aether is coursing through her and they know that Malekith will stop at nothing to get it.

SPOILER ALERT! If you don’t want to know what happens, don’t read any further. Instead, go to the Vintage Village Theatre and watch this movie!

Thor has some very difficult choices to make. Since the first movie, he has evolved from an arrogant and impulsive brute to a wiser, more thoughtful champion. He is forced to consider what he will sacrifice to save everything and everyone. He ultimately decides that the risk of dying is the price to pay to save his people and those of the nine realms, even if it means deceiving and disobeying his father. He cannot fight this dark force alone, however, and having Tom Hiddleston back as Thor’s adopted brother Loki, is pure entertainment. Loki has been observing much from his cell in the dungeons of Asgard. He remains full of trickery and deceit. He cannot be trusted and though Thor knows this, he also knows he needs Loki’s help. Loki has always wanted to be king and reminds Thor that “satisfaction is not in my nature”, to which Thor replies, “Surrender is not in mine!”

If Thor fails, we all die. Not just everyone on Earth, but everyone in the nine realms, everyone everywhere! There’s a lot riding on Thor’s quest to defeat Malekith and banish the aether once again.

The final battle is awesome and fun. It’s like a roller coaster ride through different dimensions as Thor and Malekith travel through the realms, disappearing into one hole and reappearing from another. With the end of the world balancing on the outcome, it is exciting.

Skyler and Sara were visiting the Vintage Village Theatre for the first time. Skyler said, “I like the old time feel of the theatre and the skyline of Coronado and San Diego.” Regarding the movie, Sara offered that is was “very exciting, hilarious and also a love story.”

As the movie ends and the credits roll, rethink your plan to skip all the names and leave the theatre. There’s one more surprise. WaitÂ…forÂ…it.

Directed by Alan Taylor

Starring Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Tom Hiddleton, Anthony Hopkins, Renee Russo, Stellan Skarsgard, Christpher Eccleston.

Rated PG-13 for sequences of intense sci-fi action and violence, and some suggestive content.

Running time 112 minutes

Check out the Village Movie times here.

Kellee Hearther

Staff Writer

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