Sunday, January 12, 2025

Monthly Archives: May, 2012

The Best Places Around: Which Wich® Superior Sandwiches

Looking for a quick, cheap, and fulfilling meal on the way to the beach, a Little League game (All-Stars will be beginning soon), or...

thru the center truss

some more practice time with my tilt shift lens... (1) set camera on manual (2) hold camera above your head as you point camera...

Connor Carvajal: Coronado’s Bravest Kid (2005-2012)

I am saddened to inform our readers that Connor Carvajal died today at 12pm at Rady Children's Hospital after an incredible three year...

Coronado Elementary Students Experience BizTown

Coronado Village Elementary fifth graders are getting a sneak peek into the real world of careers with BizTown! BizTown is a workshop provided...