Thursday, January 30, 2025

Blessing of Pets and Stuffed Animal Drive

Blessing of the Pets & Stuffed Animal Drive
Acknowledging the comfort and companionship they bring us.

Donate a new stuffed animal for foster children.


Most everyone loves animals. Whether through a relationship with a loyal pet or just through an appreciation of them in nature, animals bring joy to our lives. They, like us, are part of God’s creation, and we have been charged with caring for them as faithful stewards.

In the presence of animals, especially the love given to us by our pets, we see a reflection of God’s love for us. By enjoying and caring for animals, we honor God and the creation entrusted to us.

In blessing animals, we acknowledge that God’s love for creation is revealed through them, and we acknowledge our own responsibility to care for them. In blessing animals, we recognize and give thanks to God for the special gifts they bring to our world. May our relationships with them make us always mindful of God’s unconditional love for us and for all of creation.

Our annual Blessing of the Pets will take place on Saturday, October 8 at 4:30 p.m. in the Christ Church courtyard (1114 9th St.). All pets (and their families) are invited to enjoy a short outdoor service, receive a blessing, and enjoy some treats!

In conjunction with this event, the Christ Church Service Ministry team is collecting new stuffed animals. They will also be blessed on this Saturday and will be given to area foster children. While not a beloved family pet, a stuffed animal can bring comfort and companionship to a child during stressful times. Donations may be made at church on Sunday or at the parish office during the week.


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