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Yearly Archives: 2010
Want to Win an Entry to Bike Over the Coronado Bridge?
RIDE THE BRIDGE - BIKE THE BAY 2010 is a "Fun Ride" - not a race. Rare chance to bike over...
Tidelands Park Movie (‘Up’) A Success. Come Watch ‘G-Force’ 9/17/10 (6pm)
Last week, we took the kiddos and a friend to see the movie 'Up' that was playing at Tidelands Park. In a word...fantastic! We...
Help Prevent Prescription Drug Abuse: Drop Off Unused Prescription Drugs
Drop off you unused prescription drugs (no questions asked) on 9/25/10 from 10am to 2pm:Coronado Police Department700 Orange Avenue (in the alley)Event Contact:...
Captain is Sporting an eCoronado.com T-Shirt
A beautiful day to sail around the San Diego bay. Captain is proudly wearing his eCoronado.com shirt too...cool! http://bit.ly/9sBPtH
Long time Coronado resident needs your help…
Dear friends, We in Coronado have been blessed to have Mrs. Karien Bennett as our neighbor and friend for over 20 years....
Face painting at Coronado movie night event.
Abby, Ellie and Luke got 'Kevin' from the movie 'Up' painted on their cheeks. It was a great event down at Tidelands Park. Check...